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Saturday, March 17th, 2018
This is my birthday month! This month we decided to make Italian food. The first time we cooked, we made Italian food as well. Ria's mom's friend, Ms.Roberta offered to help make the sauce for the pasta. Our menu included Spaghetti with Bolognese Sauce served with Garlic Bread. Our dessert for the month is "Panna Cotta". Have any of you tried our recipes yet? We would love to hear from you. We have tried some of our recipes ourselves and Tres Leches cake is always a hit in my family and guests!
We split our cooking into two nights. The previous night, Ria, Neha and I cut and prepared the vegetables (celery and carrots) to make the sauce. Ria took these veggies to Ms.Roberta's place, where she taught Ria to make Beef Bolognese sauce. Ria came back and said initially they made Sofrito (a sauce used as a base in Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Latin American cooking). They used all the veggies and mixed it with cooked beef. Ria has described the recipe in detail under the recipes tab, don't forget to check it out!
The next day, we planned to try something new this time and decided to take the Spaghetti to the shelter and make hot Spaghetti in boiling water at the youth center to serve them a steaming hot meal. We also bought Garlic Bread and baked it in the oven before we took it to the shelter. We made Panna Cotta for the dessert. This is a custard like Italian dessert that we thought will go very well with Sphaghetti and Bolognese sauce. We prepared the Panna Cotta but it was not set by the time we had to leave. Ria and her mom dropped it off at the shelter next day.
Ria, her mom and myself went to the shelter to serve. We enjoyed the experience as usual. Our food was a huge hit and lots of them came back for seconds. One of them gave us a suggestion saying "The sauce was not sticking to the pasta, so he recommended that we add some heavy cream to the sauce next time". We love such feedback. It helps us to improve our cooking skills and do better next time. Thanks for that!
Our generous sponsor for this month is my mom's friend from New York, Trupti aunty. Trupti aunty has always been our huge supporter and jumped on the opportunity to support us. She has a fun event in her office where employees donate $2 to a charity jar if they wear jeans to work on a Friday. The collected money goes to a charity. Trupti aunty showcased The RainyDayChefs as the charity for this month and collected funds for us. We really appreciate your support and are always grateful for your encouragement. - Nitya!

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