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About Us - Founders

The RainyDayChefs were born in April 2017. The 3 of us started this non-profit when we were in middle and elementary school (About Us in 2017). Our sole intent is to heal with a meal and make a difference in peoples' lives. We love making gourmet meals and serving the homeless shelters in our community. While we started with serving the Friends of Youth shelter, we've since then expanded to support The Sophia Way, Camp Unity and other local shelters while also raising money for charity organizations such as PAWS, United Way, Ignite STEM, etc. Now, as high schoolers, we've come a long way and learned so much about how to be leaders and inspire others (About Us Now). While this effort started with just the 3 of us, we would not have been able to scale to the level we have today without our lovely consistent volunteers. Check out our volunteer page to learn more about them!

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