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Sharing is a form of expression. While we cook and share food, I also want to share our adventures and our journey with you! In this blog I will take you through a wonderful experience capturing moments in the form of pictures, quotes and words!  If you want to be part of our journey, join me and read my blog posts! ~ Executive Director, Nitya

2017, That’s the year we started RainyDayChefs, and we’ve come a long way from then. It all started with our first cookout which sparked our initial interest in pursuing this nonprofit. When we first started out, I wrote the blog about our cookouts every month and now we have decided to do something a little different. As our community grows and our volunteers increase, we think that it would be best to write a quarterly blog post about all the major events for the quarter. This post will consist of what we did in our cookouts and fundraising activities. We will also include excerpts from volunteers and their experiences at cookouts. We are so grateful for our volunteers and this quarterly blog will help us increase our community involvement as well as expand our reach to involve more people.


If you're interested in viewing our past cookouts, view them here!

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