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Sunday, November 18th, 2017
While the holiday season is one of the best times of year, it is also one of the busiest times. All of us had a wonderful Thanksgiving break with our families. Ria went to California to meet her family, while my sister Nitya and I had my cousins visit from California. We had a nice long break from school and had dedicated time with family. While some of us have the luxury of spending holidays with family, a few less fortunate ones have no one to celebrate with. Hence we wanted to make sure we make a nice yummy breakfast for our second family at the Friends of Youth center. We have been going there for 8 months now and they have started to feel like our second family. We have begun to recognize the youths and the managers at the facility. We haven't had the opportunity to personally serve there for the past couple of months as we have not served dinners. We plan to get back to serving dinners from January when we have more free time.
This month was an Israeli breakfast named Shakshuka. Ria will be uploading the recipe for this awesome meal soon. My friend Anjana wanted to help us cook this time and joined us. We definitely benefitted from having an extra pair of hands to cook as we had to cut a lot of onions and peppers. We have become quite efficient with cutting vegetables now given all of our experience. All of us spent the first 30 mins cutting up onions, peppers and garlic. Garlic cutting is quite tedious and all of our hands smell like garlic when we are done.
The recipe was straight forward. It took us another 30 to 45 mins to complete the meal. We cooked on Saturday afternoon. My family had another commitment that night, so Ria's mom volunteered to deliver the meals to FOY in time for Sunday breakfast. Thank you Vrushali aunty! We have missed serving at the center, can't wait to get back to doing that in January.
I would like to take this opportunity during Thanksgiving season to thank all our supporters for continuously encouraging us and supporting us with our efforts. All your encouraging words and generous donations have made this dream turn into reality. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my parents and Ria's parents for making this happen. This effort would not have reached here without their continuous support. Thank you Anjana for helping us with cooking this month!
Thanksgiving is not complete without mentioning our generous sponsors for the November meal. Thank you Debbie for sponsoring this month! You have always supported us and encouraged us. We are forever grateful for your support! -Neha

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