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Saturday, March 18th 2023


I have been working on getting Arnav on board with blogging for RainyDayChefs and helping him organize future cookouts. March and April are busy months for me as I prepare for my junior year AP exams. I am so grateful and relieved to see our volunteers continue signing up for meal donations.
A big shoutout to Rian, the youngest member of RDC, who loves to make salads. 
We had elementary and middle school volunteers sign up for the salad. We had more ambitious middle and high schoolers who chose to make my vodka sauce lasagna. Some of them found it interesting to work with alcohol (under the supervision of their parents) and soon learned that alcohol evaporates quickly while being worked into the sauce on medium to high flame!
Ethan, a high schooler volunteer who is French, gave my apple crumble recipe his own twist by making the crumble with almond flour!
Another successful donation with the help of our friends and neighbors!



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